My First Blog Post, Ever

wordpress homepage edited webSo…here I am, writing my very first blog post, ever.

How did this madness happen?

I am possibly the worst Facebook friend you could be friends with. I gather friends in binges and rarely post anything apart from the occasional holiday wish and thanking all the real Facebook friends out there who wish me a happy birthday.

Except for a half-assed attempt at a MySpace page (back when it was cool, mind you) I have had no online presence. No Twitter, No Foursquare. No Pinterest. Nada. Zilch. Zippo.

So, what the heck am I’m doing here?

Well, this is certainly not a new idea for me. I bought a domain name from in 2009. And, in 2011 I registered a shop on But, if you went looking for me four or five years ago, a blank webpage would have been all you’d find. Because, I did absolutely nothing, naught, diddly-squat.

Why, you ask?

My usual retort is that I’m a big chicken. But really, it’s been about my self-worth. I battled with myself over what I could possibly contribute to the world that hasn’t already been done better than I could ever hope to do. I worried that anything I posted would either be horribly mundane or incredibly personal. And, who would read it anyway? Who was I to think I had anything of value to offer?

The craziest part is that I’m the cheerleader for anyone else wanting to put themselves and their stuff out there. I tell them everything we create – be it music, art, film, crafts, writing, gardening, thoughts, ideas, advice, natterings, whatever – there is someone out there with whom it will connect. There are ears that want to hear the music, eyes that want to see the art, brains that want new thoughts, ideas and stories. Even if you think you’re not creative, there are people going through whatever it is that you’re gong through and they need to know that they’re not alone.

Great advice, right? But did I follow it myself. Uh, nope.

Until now.

So, again you ask, why? Why now?

The biggest reason is my awesome boyfriend, Greg. (Thank you Sweetie-pie!)

Greg is the cheerleader for me that I’ve been with everyone else. He gently peeled away all my flimsy excuses and held me accountable for taking action. Without him, this website would probably still be an idea, a wish for someday, a resolution on a to-do list carried forward for another year.

And now, here I am, publishing my very first blog post.

It’s not so scary after all.


2 thoughts on “My First Blog Post, Ever

    1. Aww, you found my first blog post… That’s no small feat as I wrote this 2 years ago. Thanks for the comment. Fear held me back from doing a lot of things: sharing my writing outside of my critique group, setting up a store on Etsy, not to mention starting this blog (and keeping it going). I still have to give myself a pep talk when posting anything for public consumption, but it’s not as hard as it was in the beginning.

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